Call Salts for Pets Part Four: Cell salts for senior pets
As any devoted pet guardian knows, there comes a time, all too soon, when your beloved animal starts to age. Developing age related symptoms is inevitable (for all of us at some point!) and using cell salts is a safe and natural adjunct therapy to support them as they get older. After determining with your pet's vet that it is safe to try cell salts, here are the top cell salts for senior pets.
- #1 Calcarea fluorica 6X - cell salt related to elasticity/rigidity. Think of your pet's poor dental health and loose teeth. Nodosities on the joints, cracking joints.
- #2 Calcarea phosphorica 6X - cell salt related to bone health. Aging pet with weakening muscoskeletal strength. Rising unsteadiness.
- #8 Magnesia phosphorica 6X - cell salt related to muscles/nerves. Leg spasms, cramps, muscular twitching. Pet craves warmth.
- #6 Kali phosphoricum 6X - cell salt related to brain health and neural functioning. For weakened constitutions, after debilitating illness, stress. Pet is nervous and seeks quiet and rest.
For dosage and administration of cell salts to your pets please read Cell Salts for Pet Part One: The basics of how and when to give cell salts to your cat or dog.
References for this article can be found at: https://jacksonsnaturals.com/blogs/news/traditional-homeopathic-references-for-schuessler-cell-salts
Read More:
Cell Salts for Pets Part One: The basics of how and when to give cell salts to your cat or dog
Cell Salts for Pets Part Two: Top 5 cell salts for your pet's fur, skin, and nails
Cell Salts for Pets Part Three: Top 5 cell salts for your pet's digestion
This information is just for minor, acute ailments that don’t require the supervision of a health practitioner, and/or a doctor. Always consult with one for your pet's health concerns and then once you have that advice, consider cell salts to help support and work with whatever is else is recommended. What’s wonderful about cell salts as a natural health adjunct, it that they won’t interfere with conventional medications or supplements. Cell salts are low dose homeopathic remedies. They are also designed to help your body regulate and balance the levels of essential minerals. If you are concerned or have chronic poly-health complaints, always consult with your health practitioner before taking.