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Article: Cell Salt Reference Chart to Use with George W. Carey’s “Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac”

Cell Salt Reference Chart to Use with George W. Carey’s “Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac”

Cell Salt Reference Chart to Use with George W. Carey’s “Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac”

If you are using your astrological sign to determine what cell salt to take, here is a handy chart to find what number cell salt matches each astrological month and sign.

Although astrology is by no means our specialty here at Jackson's, it is one of our most popular questions and search terms. Cell salt astrology came from George W. Carey and his popular book, "Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac" published in 1932.

Read George W. Carey's cell salt description here.

 Astrological Sun Sign

Jackson's Cell Salt (click to view)

1 Aries #6 Kali phos 6X
2 Taurus #11 Nat sulph 6X
3 Gemini #5 Kali mur 6X
4 Cancer #1 Calc fluor 6X
5 Leo #8 Mag phos 6X
6 Virgo #7 Kali sulph 6X
7 Libra #10 Nat phos 6X
8 Scorpio #3 Calc sulph 6X
9 Sagittarius #12 Silica 6X
10 Capricorn #2 Calc phos 6X
11 Aquarius #9 Nat mur 6X
12 Pisces #4 Ferr phos 6X


New to cell salts? Read this intro article on how to get started.

Read George W. Carey's astral colour and gemstone chart here.


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